Product Stack

Client and Business Platforms's end-to-end solutions are tailored for both investors and real estate owners & developers in Dubai’s thriving economy. Moreover, investors get the chance to leverage the high yield by accessing real estate investments with a low entry barrier. The platform offers a seamless process with a user-friendly interface to visualize investments and income.

The business platform specifically addresses owners looking to liquidate their portfolio or developers who seek alternative ways of funding. It provides a comprehensive solution encompassing security token issuance, investor management, financial reporting, compliance, and distribution of inflows and outflows.

Blockchain as the tech stack’s infrastructure is built on a strong technological solution, blockchain technology. The smart contracts are programmed to ensure maximum security, high-level automation, and streamlined management.

Assets are logged on-chain using a customized ERC-1155 contract. A plethora of other smart contracts are in place to facilitate smooth operations, such as managing escrows during capital raises and tracking amounts raised from different investor types.

Self-Custodial Solution

With the ethos of empowering users to be their own bank by managing the ownership of their assets,’s mobile application features a self-custodial solution.

At the same time, keeping in mind the requirements of non-crypto users, the selfcustodial solution will integrate a biometrics-based solution to simplify UX and mitigate the risk of loss of private keys.

This feature also eliminates the intermediaries, the custodians of security tokens, thereby cutting down user costs.

Liquidity Windows

The claims of tokenization and RWA protocols promise liquidity. But in practice, it faces the same issues of a lack of liquidity as that of traditional web2 crowdfunding platforms. mitigates this with Liquidity Windows - these are specific periods when users can swap assets, creating liquidity events. These events increase the likelihood for the easy entry and exit of users’ investments by having enough liquidity in the market. Furthermore, the underlying onchain technology simplifies cap table management and facilitates a seamless transfer of securities. It is executed in a fully automated manner, thereby eliminating any possibilities for human errors and guaranteeing a timely process.

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